The Last and the First

New Year’s Eve! We made it! The last celebration of 2022 before it’s over. Our planned celebration got derailed when half the family came down with head colds over Christmas. Only two of us are still standing here on the west side, and we’re not interested in partying with “Snotty”, “Coughing”, and “Sneezy”. Oh well, I have never been big on staying up until midnight to make sure the new year makes it here. What’s the plan if it doesn’t? Every time I have gone to bed before the official end of the year, the New Year has been there waiting for me in the morning. Whew! Who knew it could find its way without the drunken reveling of civilization to usher it in? Remember the eve of 2000, and the quivering fear of Y2K? That midnight I was awake, but it was a little anti-climatic as millenniums go. I was hoping for a little something more, but considering what “they” were predicting, I should be happy it turned out to be a bust.

Tonight my husband, Kim, and I will watch the sunset for the last time in 2022 from our lanai, overlooking the pond. In the morning, we will watch the sunrise on the first day of 2023 from the same place. We talked about going to the beach, but let’s face it, I’m lazy! Naples is still working on cleaning up the mess Hurricane Ian made, and now the beaches have limited access. Limited access translates to limited parking. With the number of holiday visitors in town, plus snowbirds, and in general how many people flock to the beach to watch the sunset on any given day, parking most likely will be challenging. I’m sure we could find something several blocks away, and yes I could walk, but I’m just not that invested.

I am usually up before the sun, so watching the sunrise is not a problem, but from the beach means I have to get dressed! Before coffee?! That doesn’t even sound like me! Besides, the beach faces west. We’d need to turn our backs to the water to see the sunrise, so what’s the point?! I can see a perfectly good sunrise from my lanai, in my pajamas if I want, and yes I want! Tonight I will raise a glass of wine to toast the sun for its diligence to duty this past year, and a cup of coffee in the morning to welcome the sun, encouraging it to show the same attentiveness in the new year. Easy peasy!

Here we are, riding the downhill side of 2022, about to land feet first into 2023. We have high hopes as we stand poised, at the stroke of midnight, to toss the 2022 calendar in the trash and pin up 2023. Nice clean squares waiting to be filled in with events, important dates to celebrate, and things to look forward to before it gets cluttered with appointments, bill reminders, and all the other things you need to put on the calendar so you don’t forget responsibilities. Come next December this pristine calendar, that holds so much hope for better days to come than those left behind, will look much like the one we toss out tonight. Battered, held together with paperclips, little squares filled with scribbles of places we needed to be, birthdays, anniversaries, funerals, bills, repairmen, first day of …, last day of…., and my favorite, vacations. But, there will be a big difference between the calendars of 2022 and 2023. The next 365 days will be like no others that have come before, because we haven’t lived them yet. Each one is new, and though in many ways they may be similar, like a snowflake they are not the same.

Tonight, however you choose to celebrate the coming of 2023, get ready to step into your future. Whatever it will be for you, my wish is that you will have everything you need to make it a memorable year; laughter, love, strength, courage, hopes, and dreams. God bless and Happy New Year!

Stop Saying That!

It was the Sunday after Thanksgiving. The kids and grandkids had all gone home. It was now time to begin thinking about Christmas. The decorations, the cards, the gifts. We would go to Mass and then afterwards begin dragging out all things Christmas. Walking into church, I headed for an empty pew. As I looked toward the altar I missed a step, fighting down panic! This couldn’t be happening! Something isn’t right!

There, standing near the altar, dressed in purple and pink was the Advent Wreath!!! Wait! I thought we had another week! Doesn’t Advent start next weekend? This was still November! Something was wrong, and apparently it was my math, for all through Mass Father kept talking about the four weeks of preparation we have until Christmas. “Stop saying that! This was all wrong! Don’t we have five weeks?” But, then he said it again, “Christmas is four weeks from today”.

Advent means “coming”, or “arrival”, particularly of someone of great importance. Father was trying to prepare us for the coming of the Christ child. After all, that’s what Christmas is all about, and it’s his job. My heart was hearing that message, but…

What my ears heard were accusations, “Christmas is coming in four weeks! You are not prepared! You have no decorations up, no gifts, no cards, no ‘dreaded’ Christmas letter written for friend and family to read!” I needed to get out of there. Precious minutes were drifting away as I sat there, and I was already late! Then he said it again, “Christmas is only four weeks away”. I gotta go!

In a chaotic flurry of activity that only women know, and men can only hope to keep up with, the trimmings of Thanksgiving were stripped and boxed, Christmas ornaments were carefully being unwrapped, trees were going up as carols played in the background, wish lists were gathered, and the credit card was deployed for action! Things were heating up. Then things went a bit off the rails.

Next week we have a trip to Georgia with our son’s family to celebrate our grandson’s birthday. “Birthday!!” We have Christmas to prepare for, and now a birthday too!! It’s not like I didn’t know it was coming. He’s been around for awhile now. He’s going to be 8. These plans were made a couple of months ago. Time is up! All those gifts I have been “thinking” about required decisions and cash. It was essential they all get here in time for me to wrap and take with us, since we are not able to spend Christmas with them this year. Time to unleash “Amazon Prime”!

My sister called with a question, interrupting my shopping, and wanted to know why is it that you can place an ornament on the tree facing forward, and as soon as you let it go, it immediately swings around to face the wall? You try again, turning the hanger the other way, expecting it to face you now, but nope! It’s off in a flash, twisting itself on its own accord to face the wall again! It’s not gravity. It’s not some magnetic force. What gives? It happens to me as well, and I don’t have an answer for her. I suggest to her that we put them on, allowing them to face the wall, as though we don’t really care. Then when we’re done, simply turn the entire tree around. We’ll show them! There’s a reason we’re at the top of the food chain.

I step back to admire the three trees standing in the corner of our living room, with most of their ornaments facing forward. We have decorated them to look like a winter wonderland. Deep within the heat and humidity of southwest Florida, I imagine the cold chill upon my face, and the sting of snowflakes as they land upon my cheek, even though it is 84 degrees outside. The panic is left behind, and the true spirit of Christmas is fanning the flames of hope, peace, and joy in my heart.

Wait! I still haven’t written that “dreaded” Christmas letter!!!!