From Gorgeous to Gross!


We practically worship hair! We spend hundreds of dollars on it, from cutting, styling, shampooing, conditioning, straightening, curling, combing, brushing, coloring, highlighting; you name it we do it, and everyone seems to notice. “Did you get your hair cut?” “I love your hair that way!” “That hair color is gorgeous on you!” .

Don’t for a moment think that men are immune from the siren call of rich, thick, glorious hair. They spend money, just like women, on thickeners, shampoo and conditioners, mousses, gels, and color to keep the gray looking the right balance between distinguished and old. When theirs begins to thin they have three choices. Go bold and shave it off, go really short, or embrace the dreaded comb-over. Don’t choose that third one! I would just like to say to every man out there, if you’re losing your hair, own it! You don’t have to shave what little you have off, but cut it short. It’s a much more attractive look, however I do recognize that hair is very personal, so that’s just my “strong” suggestion.

My hair for most my life has been very fine, and very straight. I couldn’t do anything with it. I would ride my bike to school and see other girls riding their bikes as well, only their hair was gently swaying back and forth as one unit. Mine was blowing all over in different directions, like I was riding along in my own personal tornado! We always want what we don’t have. My daughter asked me for a straightener one year for Christmas for her beautiful, thick, wavy hair. I said, “What in the world for?” Why would anyone want to straighten their hair! She was blessed. I was cursed! Didn’t she understand that? But, straight was in. The hormones of bearing children does weird things to your hair. Don’t ask me why. For me, my hair got wavy. Well, it was about time!!! But, now of course waves and curls were out. I was fashionable before my prime, and once again, currently out of step!

I now shed like a Persian cat! My hair can be found just about anywhere! I shed so much its amazing I have hair on my head at all, and my family notices my runaway tresses since those blonde strands are like a neon announcement on the back of any dark colored blouse I may be wearing. My grandson found a long hair on his leg while laying on the couch. He pulled it off, and holding it like some sort of vile vermin, announced to his mom, “MeeMaw’s”, my grandson’s name for me. She looked at it, and saw that it was clearly red, and said, “No, that one is mine. Sorry.” His response, “Nope, MeeMaw’s!” Obviously my shedding has a reputation, but my hair is not red. Hers is! Besides, I wasn’t even there!!!

Why is it when hair is on your head it is gorgeous? We run our fingers through it, we caress it, but when it ends up on the floor, in the sink, cloaking the bathtub drain, in the swimming pool, or worse yet in your food it suddenly becomes “Gross!” Okay, I get the food, but once I found a clump of hair floating around a public swimming pool like a chocolate jellyfish. That had to go! I’m sure when it was attached to some woman’s head earlier in the day it looked lovely. Now it was way too gross to come into contact with, and had to be removed like a dead spider, preferably without touching it!

As for myself, one minute my hair, according to my husband, is gorgeous, but at any given moment, one strand at a time, it too becomes gross! Don’t judge me, none of you are immune!


Get After It!

It’s been awhile since I’ve written. My mom passed away in late September, and then my mother-in-law passed away suddenly in mid-December. It’s been a bit tough to write anything without my heavy heart weeping all over every word, but 2019 has ended and not only a new year has begun, but a new decade! There are possibilities on the horizon. Not so fast!!!

On New Year’s Eve, with the dawn of all things new just waiting in the wings, I broke a tooth! Seriously?! It was as if 2019 just couldn’t let me go without taking one more swing at me. The good news, if there ever is good news with a broken tooth, it was a wisdom tooth, so I don’t need it. I have three more, so still plenty of wisdom stored up to share with anyone who cares to listen. (That’s directed at my kids.)  The bad news….I’m not a real fan of the dentist, so first thing in 2020 I get to visit one of my least favorite people. Not that she isn’t awesome, just that I don’t like her hands in my mouth. You’d think by the 21st century we’d have some Star Trek like dental scanner that could take care of this problem with my mouth closed.

jetpack-296630_960_720Now it is time for me to put fingers to keyboard and begin writing a new blog. Slow down there eager beaver! An update is required in order for me to get WordPress to talk to my website via Jetpack! Okay, this shouldn’t be too hard. Hahaha! What am I, new? This is technology and I was born in the 20th century. Specifically the mid-20th century. We’re not even talking the same language. Oh, it sounds like English, but is it really?

I start by updating my version of WordPress. Oh, but now I have to update Jetpack, which should be easy, and would be easy if I knew what they were talking about. I know what a Jetpack is. It’s that cool thing you strap on your back like Buck Rogers and fly all over the sky with, skipping traffic, and commute times. I don’t have one of those. I do apparently have one that allows WordPress to talk with my website. Outside of that, I really don’t know what it does. Not only can I not see it, I can’t fly it. Lame! I had plenty of other things to do, so back burner it went.

After putting away all the Christmas decorations, and finding myself without any other pressing matters, I decided to sit down once again to figure out this necessary update. I finally caved to reading the directions, or at least skimming them, clicked the appropriate keys and amazingly, I’m back in the game.

So there 2020, I forced myself to be adult enough to call the dentist, and mature enough to read directions. Take that! The losses of 2019 are still heavy and will be for awhile, but looking forward there are all sorts of possibilities. It’s not just a new year, it’s a new decade! Get out there, and get after it!