Mind Your Own Business

0I just received notice on my iPad that my screen time was up 48 percent from last week. Hmmm, I do not remember adding an app to my iPad allowing it to monitor my screen time. Did I hire a nanny? No I did not! Who does my iPad think it is overseeing just how much screen time I have used, and whether that’s a good idea or not? It’s not even a “who”. It’s a “what”! I’m pretty sure at my age I can make that decision for myself. Who is it going to tell if I ignore its nosiness, my mother?

When did our devices decide to insert themselves into our decision-making? I thought they were tools for us to use, much like any other tool in our life, such as a mop, a shovel, a hammer, a broom, and the like. I don’t recall any of those tools giving me any feedback about how much I’ve used them in the last week. The shovel and hammer are normally ignored, and the mop and broom get more than their fair share of the chore detail, yet I have heard no lip from them. 

My computer and my iPad are linked, so what I do on one is recognized by the other. I work online. I use the computer to write my book, I’m employed to score standardized tests online, and I write a blog. You can see that the computer is a huge part of my life. Right now I’m making the final push to publish my latest book. It’s also the middle of the school testing season, so I spend eight hours a day online reading student papers and scoring them. Because of that I suppose my screen time this last week has increased. Has anyone else been admonished by their device that they are spending too much time at work? I didn’t think so.

Then it gets a little schizophrenic. I get the message that my screen time has increased, followed by a reminder that my NotSherry readers haven’t heard from me in a while. “You might want to write something.” Well, what do you want you crazy little machine!? You want me to write online, or go to the beach? Make up your mind!

I am being badgered by HAL! You remember him. That ever watching, conniving computer from 2001 Space Odyssey. Last night Kim and I were discussing getting a new mattress, and the next thing you know, this morning on Facebook I had several ads for mattress choices. He doesn’t have a Facebook account. I do. I wasn’t searching on Facebook for a mattress. I wasn’t actually searching at all. He was, but on his phone. Exactly who is listening….all the time?

Watch yourself my dear, sweet little iPad. Mind your own business, or I’ll turn you off, and then what are you going to do?