Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday season with an enormous meal shared with family and friends. It can be a wonderful gathering, but there is a lot of pressure that goes along with these get-togethers, and sometimes it’s not just the potato pot that boils over. For me, though, this was not that year. It was nothing but fun spent with our daughter and son-in-law, along with his parents and grandmother. Not only are we family, we are friends, or so it seemed until the deck of cards came out.
“Today princess! How about you play sometime today!”, “Those aren’t the rules! You can’t change the rules!”, “You’re cheating! Did anyone else see him cheat?!”, “Are you going to talk, or are you going to play?” There was some colorful name calling, but the jabbing was all in good fun. Then Marti (mother-in-law) said, “I just realized we need to be nice to Sheri´. We could all end up in her blog.” I never thought of that, but suddenly I was wielding a mighty big sword in the way of a pen…I mean keyboard. As Kim (husband) often says, “Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel”. Hmmm…it feels strangely empowering to own barrels of ink!
Not that it did me any good. They still stole cards I wanted. Still laughed when I got stuck with tons of points, when points were the enemy. Had no problem sending me back to start all over. Whatever! All I have to say is that they gave me a lot to think about. You better watch your backs. My blog could be the least of your worries. You all could end up in my next book, where I write chapters, not paragraphs! That’s right Marti! Bet you’re wishing you could rethink that last move now, aren’t ya?!